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Campus will be open on Thursday, November 21, and all classes and operations will return to normal.

Tutoring Schedule

Home/Tutoring Schedule
Tutoring Schedule 2024-11-19T11:45:43+00:00

Tutoring Schedule

8:25 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.Vivian (151)Jaycee (146, 148)Skyler (146, 141)____ (tutor needed)Vivian (151)
9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.Barok (111, 148)Jaycee (146, 148)Phillip (151)Skyler (146, 141)Phillip (151)
Vivian (151)Khang (146, 163)Skyler (146, 141)Khang (146, 163)Vivian (151)
____ (tutor needed)Phillip (151)
10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.Barok (111, 148)Jaycee (146, 148)Barok (111, 148)Phillip (151)Khang (146, 163)
Phillip (151)Phillip (151)Phillip (151)Seth (220)
Seth (220)Seth (220)Seth (220)Skyler (146, 141)
Vivian (151)Skyler (146, 141)Skyler (146, 141)Vivian (151)
Vivian (151)Vivian (151)
11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.Emily (146)Jaycee (146, 148)James (152)Pierre (152)Khang (146, 163)
Seth (220)Pierre (152)Seth (220)Seth (220)Nahom (146, 141)
Khoi (151)Seth (220)Skyler (146, 141)Skyler (146, 141)Seth (220)
Skyler (146, 141)Khoi (151)Khoi (151)
____ (tutor needed)
12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.*Horace (163)Jaycee (146, 148)*Julius (163)Pierre (152)Khang (146, 163)
Emily (146)Pierre (152)James (152)Skyler (146, 141)*Nahom (146, 141)
Seth (220)Skyler (146, 141)Seth (220)Khoi (151)Seth (220)
Khoi (151)Skyler (146, 141)*
1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.Horace (163)James (152)James (152)Jaycee (146, 148)
James (152)Lucas (152)Jaycee (146, 148)James (152)
Lucas (152)Skyler (146, 141)Julius (163)
Lucas (152)
____ (tutor needed)
2:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.Horace (163)*James (152)James (152)James (152)
James (152)Lucas (152)Jaycee (146, 148)Jaycee (146, 148)
Jaycee (146, 148)Skyler (146, 141)Julius (163)Lucas (152)
Khang (146, 163)
Khang (146, 163)
Pierre (152)
3:00 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.Emily (146)Skyler (146, 141)Emily (146)Jaycee (146, 148)
Khang (146, 163)Khang (146, 163)
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.Emily (146)Skyler (146, 141)Emily (146)Jaycee (146, 148)
Khang (146, 163)Khang (146, 163)
The MRC closes at 5 pm
*John means that John does not work the first 30 minutes of the shift
Sally* means Sally does not work the second half of the shift.