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FAQ 2017-06-21T09:21:38+00:00

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additional questions, please contact the Math Resource Center.

Math Placement Helping to Find the Best Math Class for you 2024-11-18T13:57:15+00:00

Choosing the best math class is important as you start your college journey. Informed Math Placement will help you choose the class that fits your skills, and guide you toward courses to reach your academic goals. For more information, please access the link provided https://math.highline.edu/informed-math-placement/


How do I utilize the Math Resource Center services? 2024-11-18T13:59:55+00:00

The Math Resource Center is, first and foremost, a large study space specifically designed for math students to work individually or in small groups.

The Math Resource Center offers:

  • Computers for online math work
  • Whiteboards and pens
  • Textbooks and solution manuals that can be checked out with a student ID
  • Calculators that can be checked out with a student ID

There will be a small number of math tutors at the Math Resource Center at any given time. They will be wearing their name tag around their neck. If you have a question while studying, just check in with the front desk and they will be happy to connect you with an available tutor on shift.


What kind of workshops do the math tutors hold? 2024-11-18T14:01:10+00:00

Math tutors hold workshops every quarter covering useful topics such as how to succeed in a math class, calculator basics, understanding logarithms, setting up word problems and more. To view the current schedule please access the provided link. https://mrc.highline.edu/workshops/


Do I need to schedule an appointment or pay a fee to use the Math Resource Center? 2024-11-18T14:02:00+00:00

There are no appointments and no fees for using the Math Resource Center. The only requirement for visiting the Math Resource Center is that you are a currently enrolled Highline College student.

Do you offer tutoring for non-math subjects? 2024-11-18T14:04:56+00:00

The Math Resource Center only offers math tutoring. Visit the Writing Center for writing-related help, Public Speaking Center  for presentation topics, outlines and research and delivery. Tutoring Center for help with other subjects. 

Where can I go to see more information about MyMathTest? 2017-06-21T09:21:39+00:00

The Highline College Placement and Testing Center has excellent information on taking and studying for MyMathTest. Find out what math course you need, what the test is like, how to prepare for the test and how to take the test.

Learn about MyMathTest

Where can I go to find out about math classes I need for my degree? 2024-11-18T14:05:37+00:00

The Math Department has created a chart that shows the order and purpose of math classes offered at Highline College.

View Math Course Flow Chart